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Finding Inspiration!

18 9-2003 RC Fall 2003_004_digi.jpg

Studio, 2002.


France, 1999.

10 Rachele Ciccone_001_digi.jpg

Spain, 1999.

09 9-2003 Rachele Ciccone_003_digi.jpg

Providence, 2002.


Spain, 1999.

09 9-2003 Rachele Ciccone_009_digi.jpg

Providence, 2002.

There really is nothing better than looking through my negatives collected over the years. I started my journey as an artist with photography during high school, and I was hooked. I have never stopped my love for photography and it greatly influences my work as a painter. I recently went through my large box of negatives and had them all scanned and printed. Many of these photographs were taken from 1997 through 2004, all with my first love, my Nikon from the used camera shop down near the airport on Airport Road. I love that camera. It is just plain magical!

17 Rachele Ciccone_006_digi.jpg

Providence, 1997.


France, 1999.


France, 1999.


Spain, 1999.

21 Rachele Ciccone Coin in a Toilet_006_digi.jpg

France, 1999.

I have been busily preparing for some upcoming shows that I am really excited about. I will post more photos of the works-in-progress soon. We are in the process of selling our home and moving to our new home (with an amazing new studio space that I am so excited about!) so everything is in limbo a bit with my studio, but I can paint in a sandstorm, so a little move isn't dampening my spirit or my studio groove.

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